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Monday, August 18, 2008

Why Does IMAX Cost More?

Why does every movie have to cost more just to see the movie on a bigger screen and with a little better quality and sound. I can understand if it's a 3D movie but some of them are not but yet people still are willing to spend more money just to see the better quality. You can get a normal adult ticket price for about five to nine dollars at a theater. If you want to see IMAX then you pay about twelve to fifteen dollars a ticket. Is it really worth the money? Sure the IMAX theater looks cooler and has better effects but with the gas prices going up and all the new movies coming out, should we skip the IMAX once in awhile? If an animated movie you want to see is in IMAX then see it in IMAX. If it's a normal movie then it might not be worth it. Harry Potter is worth it because of the effects but other movies are not. So take a break from the IMAX and go help out a local theater and enjoy a good movie.

Here's some info about IMAX from oscarthegrouch at Yahoo Awnsers.

Both the screen and the actual film reel is larger than your normal theater.

A film produced specifically in IMAX will use film stock that is twice as big as 35mm, and a frame size four times as big. This captures far more detail than traditional photography.

IMAX's primary application today is presenting 35mm productions on their large screens. They use a special Digital process to blow the 35mm negative up to their IMAX stock sizes without blowing up the flaws and grain so you get a larger, more impressive experience.

They also utilize a far more powerful sound system with some 10,000 watts driving it. You get a much more powerful, rich and detailed sound experience.

For large event pictures, an IMAX showing can really add to the experience. I highly recommend seeing something in it if you have the means.

There you have it, IMAX is better then normal theater but only spend the money if you think the movie is going to be good. Don't waste it on a bad movie just to see it in high quality.

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