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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Triple Dog (Movie Review)

This movie was different than what I was expecting. It started off like a "chick flick" which is basically what everyone would assume this movie was but actually it was a small but short intense/drama movie. Triple Dog was the name of the movie because they had to do triple dog dares throughout the movie. It was part of the whole game. During the movie, there was laughter and sadness. You could either laugh out loud at some of the dares they were doing or the next second you could be drawn into the drama of "rat girl" or the girl who got suspended from that one school. She was the one who started off the game in the first place. So you're wondering why I would review this movie. The movie was actually not bad. I was not expecting any of the things that happened in the movie. The movie can drawn you in at times. You kind of feel sorry for "rat girl" because as the movie shows, she barely has any friends. It's kind of a sad life for her but this game changes that and she hooks up with a guy who's closet she was hiding in. Random? I think so. Before you judge this as a "chick flick", go watch it. I give this movie an 8.5 out of 10 because it was different than the rest. At the end, it gets really intense. During the movie they were talking about this girl who apparently jumped off a bridge but they didn't know why. Well, they found out at the end and than the girl jumps off the bridge. It was a very depressing part of the movie. It may or may not effect you. I think overall, the actors were good and it's not another teen drama or annoying you know what will happen movie. So, sit back and watch this movie. I'm warning you though, it's different.